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Thursday, December 31, 2015 - 1:36 AM
Hey y'all! I know we have tried to revive the blog multiple times and have failed... We have now invited Janet to the mix, so let's see how this goes! I haven't really been doing much in the holidays just sleeping, working and youtube pretty much haha. But I was super glad to have passed 3rd year, which means next year will be full of placements. I'm kind of scared and excited at the same time!

Recently I was convinced by Hong-an to get a GoPro instead of a normal camera (as my one has decided to die on me), and I've been playing around with it. I've also kind of decided to make some vlogs? We'll see how long this lasts but I thought this year should be a bit more interesting with placements anyway haha. So here is my first vlog! Oh and I also adopted Yoshi from AWLQ. He's a 4 month old Kelpie cross unknown who loves people and is pretty scared of other dogs haha. 

If anyone is considering getting a dog/puppy or animal in general please adopt rather than buying! Check out RSPCA or AWLQ they both have locations all around Queensland :) #adoptnotshop 

- Elaine

Tuesday, September 17, 2013 - 12:17 PM
Hey all! On friday I headed down to Sydney w/ Anna and Thai for Defqon which was on Sat the 14th! Our flight was so bumpy zzz reminded me of how much I hate flying lol. Anyways we ended up getting to our apartment at around 11pm? 
However, we didn't end up sleeping til like 2 because we stayed up talking haha. We stayed with Hung, Dennis, Andy, Sabrina & Adrian at Oaks. The next day which is Defqon day!! Woke up at 9 to get ready and get brekky which was just vitamin water haha. The bus came at 11am to drive us there, and it was an one hour drive. 

Typical view from our penthouse apartment photo :D 
Bus picturessss: 

 Cha time in sydney isn't pink at all...LOL even the one in Westfield had no pink D: 

 'Dis is how you smile'

 This road that we were driving on for like 15 minutes, each pole had Defqon posters wrapped around them haha. Looked so mad! 

 The groupppp. Felt left out that I didn't heave sunnies because I didn't want to break/lose my Tom Ford ones haha D: 

 Vip and normal passes! Since Thai was one of the 3 top sellers in Brisbane, they gave him 4 free vip passes so he gave one to Anna, me, Lucy and himself. Ty so much! Vip had there own booth/toilet/bar that was near the main stage. They also gave you free food and a very nice view of the water since we were on an island. 

 The walk to the actual entrance of Defqon was pretty far. 

 Entrance! W/ Dennis & Thai

 The main stage! I told myself I was going to walk around and take pictures of each stage for the blog but I never really left the red stage because the music was really good and getting back to find the group was so hard. We got lost for like 10 minutes trying to find them after going to buy drinks so I didn't want to leave haha.

 Tokens this year! GOLDDDD. Looks so prettyyy :D 

Tried to take a selfie with the stage but it was so sunny. There was times when it looked like it was going to rain but the weather was great that day. Not too hot or cold. But by night time at 11pm it was freezing gg. $100 worth of tokens ^ 

 Hung & Anna

 There was like 'decorations' all around. Some looked freaky and some were just awesome. This robot reminds me of iRobot the movie or something like that. 

 'Do I look fat in this?' hahaha (': This was next to the blue stage & merchandise area. Blue stage wasn't very blue..

 Hardly sat down the whole day so my legs were so sore the next day and still is right now haha TT but totally worth it :D 


 Anna & Sabrina 

 Then I left my camera in my bag and just took photos on my phone the rest of the day since I cbf carrying it so that's all the day time photos I have. ^ view from vip area. 
Defqon was amazinggggggg. Loved every bit of it esp the finale, fireworks & fire everywhere! The atmosphere of the place was lovely too, everyone was friendly and there for the music so it was great fun :D Since I wasn't really into hardstyle, I didn't really know any of the songs but it was still great since there was wonderful Djs so the songs was topnotch! 
The next day I went out to have lunch which James. The asshole was 2 hours late because he caught the wrong train, TWICE. ASGHJHBSDC haha oh wells, it gave me heaps of time to take selfies lol. Everyone else headed out before me to go Westfield for brekky & shopping. Which is where I ended up going anyways lol.
 Tea 4 me. Attempted to curl my hair with a straightener, but gave up because there is too much hair and it was too long ahha. 

 OOTD on sunday! 

 Tried to do timer on my camera to take a picture of the length of my hair lol. It totally worked... but hey my legs look nice in this photo ahah.

 Brekky @ Westfield = Fruit salad & yoghurt w/ all kinds of berries.

 Cute candy storeee. Accidentally knocked a row of jelly bean test tubes down while trying to get one LOL. 
 Flavoured popcorn!

 Lollipops & more candy

Laduree Macarons! So exxy but so worth ahha. It was 6 for $24.

Jelly beans that me & James got. 6 for $15. The tastes so yummy! 

Our flight back was at 6.35pm and this time it wasn't bumpy at all :D Waited an hour with Khiem, Phi, Allen & Anna at the airport for Thai since his flight was after ours. Then we headed back to sunny bank for food. Jp came to pick me up then I slept over his (: & That is it!

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Welcome to Janet, Hong-an & Elaine's blog
'95 | QLD, Aus | QUT, Griffith & UQ.

Sometimes we don't blog for long periods of time because we're slack, but we try.